Dream, Explore, Create at NESCBWI 2018

Dream, Explore, Create at NESCBWI 2018

I spent this past weekend in Springfield, MA with hundreds of other children’s writers, illustrators, editors, and agents. I started going to this conference yearly back in 2007, but I had missed out on the past three years while my son was a baby. This was the year I made it back again. I saw so many old friends and made new friends, too. Plus, I got to see my books on the author slideshow and participate in the book signing! I only signed three books. But still. It felt good to be there as a published author.

I presented two workshops during the weekend. Here are my presentations, available to download for informational purposes only:

Breaking into the Write-for-Hire Market

Secrets of a Successful Interview


Here I am seeing my books on the big screen at a NESCBWI conference for the first time!
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