Young Inventors Created a Cart to Save Dolphins

Young Inventors Created a Cart to Save Dolphins

My latest article for Muse magazine tells the story of two teams of high school kids. They invented a cart to help marine rescue teams transport dolphins from the beach to a nearby parking lot for medical care, and then back to the ocean. This story was an assignment, and at first I have to admit that I wasn’t thrilled to work on it. But after speaking with the teams, I found the perfect arc for the story. Not only was the invention about rescuing animals, but the invention itself had to be rescued!

When the original team graduated, they left the invention behind, unfinished. A new team came together later to finish what they started. Both teams got assistance and recognition from Lemelson-MIT’s InvenTeam program. The story of the two teams and the rescued-rescue cart is one of my favorites that I’ve ever told.

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