Fall 2018 Books Have Arrived

Fall 2018 Books Have Arrived

I write books all year long, but most of them come out all at the same time in the fall. This coincides with the start of the school year. Here are the three books I wrote for ReferencePoint Press last year:

My favorite book out of the three also has my least favorite cover: Cyber Nation. Researching and writing this book took me down many interesting paths, from economics to psychology to politics. I wrote about selfies, online ratings and reviews, fake news, government surveillance, artificial intelligence, and much more.

I love the cover of Cybersecurity Careers, and I have to admit that I wasn’t super excited to write that one. I’ve written several other careers books for this publisher, and they tend to be fairly straightforward reference books. However, for this book, I conducted quite a few interviews with cybersecurity professionals, and that was fascinating. The demand for cybersecurity professionals far outstrips the supply.

Then there’s the robot book, How Robotics is Changing the World. This is my 6th book about robots, if you count the one on Artificial Intelligence. I guess I’m becoming a robot specialist! I don’t really get tired of writing about them, though. Technology is my favorite area of the sciences to cover.

I’m expecting two more books any day now, both for the Mason Crest series Connecting Cultures Through Family and Food: The South American Family Table and The Chinese Family Table.

Stay tuned for an update once I get my author copies!

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