Exploring the Metaverse

Exploring the Metaverse

Image courtesy of NVIDIA OMNIVERSE

What is the metaverse? That depends who you ask. Recently, the term has become a tech buzz word for just about anything futuristic. Its original meaning, though, was an immersive virtual world that feels just like reality. Author Neal Stephenson made up the word for his 1992 science fiction book, Snow Crash.

When I wrote my 2021 book, Welcome to the Future, no one was really talking about the metaverse yet. So in that book, I discussed the future of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). If I were writing that chapter today, I definitely would have used the easier-to-remember term “metaverse”

Art by Marcin Wolski

Here is my story all about the REAL metaverse for Science News Explores. What parts of the metaverse already exist? What might it be like in the future? Read on:

Welcome to the Metaverse

Science News for Students, September 8, 2022

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