The Return of the Woolly Mammoth

The Return of the Woolly Mammoth

My new article in Science News for Students explores the science of de-extinction. That is, bringing extinct creatures back to life. No, this is not Jurassic Park. This is Pleistocene Park. It could really happen. How? And why? It’s a fascinating story.

Will the woolly mammoth return?

Science News for Students, September 23, 2021

This article grew out of research for my new book, WELCOME TO THE FUTURE. In the book, I describe how science might bring back mammoths or even dinosaurs, and how it may even be possible to create creatures that resemble mythical beasts such as unicorns or dragons. But then I ask some important ethical questions: why would we do this? If it’s just for entertainment, that doesn’t seem very fair to the animals, and it may be harmful to the world’s ecosystems as well.

The super cool thing about the woolly mammoth, though, is that there is a compelling practical reason to bring it back — it could help restore a more diverse and luscious ecosystem to the Arctic. That’s the goal of Pleistocene Park. You can support the park and its mission on Patreon.

Photo: George Church poses with a stuffed woolly mammoth during a trip to Siberia. Courtesy of Eriona Hysolli

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