Quiz Whiz!

Update on October 26, 2015: Quiz Whiz 6 just came out!

Quiz Whiz 6

I got a surprise in the mail the other day — my author copies of Quiz Whiz 5. (I also worked on Quiz Whiz 4, which came out in 2011, and Quiz Whiz 6). This series gave me an interesting challenge. It involved very little narrative writing. Instead, I had to come up with creative and fun quiz questions to fit a variety of categories, from coral reefs to communication technology.

Each book is divided into eight sections: animals, travel, pop culture, nature, history, numbers, science, and adventure. I wrote the animals, nature, and science chapters in all three books. My name isn’t listed in the book, but I was just happy to be involved in a project for National Geographic Kids!

Quiz-whiz-4-5 (1)

Here are a few of the questions that I wrote. I’ll leave the answers in the comments!

1. True or false? Basketball star LeBron James could walk under a giraffe without ducking.

2. What is a sand dollar?
a. plant
b. rock formation
c. animal
d. alien visitor

3. True or false? A jellyfish has no brain.

4. Which common flower is poisonous to humans, horses, and many other animals?
a. dandelion
b. clover
c. rhododendron
d. honeysuckle


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