At this point, the two topics I’ve covered the most often in my career are robots and video games. The first book I ever got published was The Economics of a Video Game, which came out in 2014. I’d written a couple articles about video game programming for Odyssey before that. I also had access to the industry thanks to my husband, who worked in games for five years. Here’s my latest video game article:
Fortnite Frenzy: How a free game makes money — and lots of it
Muse Magazine, Vol. 23, No. 4, April 2019
The story is about the crazy amount Fortnite players spend on the game. I came up with the idea after hearing my husband’s cousin tell a story how his son spent almost $1,000 on Fortnite using a credit card he had saved on his XBox account and forgotten about. The cousin gave permission for me to retell the story, so one evening soon after Christmas I stopped by and interviewed them about it. I also took pictures. It’s always fun to get a family member’s photo into a magazine!